“Let’s make math into a fun game.”
That was the thought that inspired Mike Minahan and me to design Math Pro – a game designed to help kids enjoy math. It makes a game out of practicing math skills, starting with simple counting and grouping, continuing up through addition, subtraction, and multiplication, finally introducing perfect squares and square roots and using algebraic formulas to solve problems.
Math Pro uses dice of different colors and shapes, with a variety of specifically chosen numbers and symbols on each. There are a great variety of skills you can learn and countless ways to have fun with Math Pro. Once you learn the basics of how to use it, you will only be limited by your imagination in all of the games and competitions you can come up with. The instructions are given in great detail elsewhere on this website.
But first, let me tell you why we came up with this game. In short, we are committed to helping facilitate children’s success in mathematics, as we see basic numeracy as a critical part of a student’s academic foundation which will assist today’s children to become tomorrow’s leaders. Mike and I have combined for nearly 80 years working in public schools, most of which has been spent teaching middle school math and high school chemistry. It has been our experience, and there is much research to support this, that success in math is strongly related to overall educational success. In fact, research tells us that early success in math is predictive of early success in reading. We have taught many intelligent students who were negatively impacted educationally by their lack of basic math skills. Many young people feel lost if they don’t have access to a calculator.
So we came up with Math Pro as a simple tool that anyone can use by themselves or with others, at home and in classroom settings. The game is designed to not only eliminate the need to “always” have a calculator around, but to increase the confidence of the students, and increase their understanding of how the universal language of numbers works.
While Math Pro is innovative, it has already been widely tested. It’s been used by families with children ranging in age from 4-to-18 years old, taken into public school classrooms from 2nd-to-9th grade, and played in after-school math clubs. Everywhere we have taken it, people have enjoyed playing it, and seen the educational value of it.
Math Pro is not magic. Like anything, progress requires practice. But practice becomes much easier when it’s fun, and this game does just that.
We believe that being successful in math is important, but certainly not the most important thing that parents and teachers can impart to children. In fact, if we had a motto for our product it would be this Old Testament proverb: “Start off children in the way they should go, and even when they are old they will not turn from it.” (Proverbs 22:6)
While this proverb is undoubtedly referring to Biblical values such as loving God, loving your neighbor, being honest, kind, and patient, it also fits perfectly with getting off to a great start in the world of numbers, the universal language. Our hope is that we may have provided you with a tool to “start off children in the way they should go.”
Because we want to do our little part to make the world a better place, we are donating $4 of each Math Pro unit sold to one of two wonderful organizations. When you purchase one of the games, you decide and let us know which one.
The first is Love Justice International (LJI), an organization that for nearly 20 years has been rescuing children from sex trafficking and prosecuting offenders. Through a family member who works for LJI we have heard first-hand many life-saving rescue stories.
The second organization is ITEC, a foundation that was born out of a love for the Waorani people group in South America, and now works with indigenous people around the world. My missionary parents’ encounter with the Waorani people in 1956 deep in that Ecuadorian jungle profoundly affected my life, and to see the work that ITEC is doing there and around the globe is truly inspirational.
We hope you enjoy using Math Pro as much as we have enjoyed creating it.
Steve McCully & Mike Minahan
Read & hear the story about Ed McCully and four other missionaries were killed in the heart of the Amazon jungle in 1956, by a group of people they were trying to befriend in an effort to bring them the Good News that God loves them.