Activities For Teaching/ Learning
There are many different ways to play with a MathPro kit. Based on our educational experience along with looking at the research on ways to help students grasp mathematics, we have come up with 39 learning activities to help students become familiar with and confident using numbers.
These activities are designed for you to determine where to start your student, and then progress through the activities in order. It is important that students master the activity before moving to the next one.
Learning Activities
Activity 1: “Counting Dice”
Activity 2: “Number Recognition”
Activity 3: “Which Number is Bigger?”
Activity 4: “Putting Numbers in Order
Introducing Addition Activities
Activity 5: “Using the Addition Chart”
Activity 6: “Set One Die Addition”
Activity 7: “Roll Two Basic Black Dice Addition”
Activity 8: “Set One Die and Roll One Die Addition”
Activity 9: “Write the equation for addition”
Challenge 1: “30 second challenge adding two basic black dice”
Introducing Subtraction Activities
Activity 10: “Using the Subtraction chart”
Activity 11: “Write the equation for Subtraction”
Activity 12: “Subtracting from 11 and 19” (introduction to “Bottoms Up”)
Activity 13: “Set one die and roll two dice subtraction”
Activity 14: “Set one die and roll one die subtraction”
Challenge 2: 30 second challenge (subtract using an advanced black die and a basic red die)
Advanced Addition and Subtraction Activities
Activity 15 “Roll two advanced black dice addition”
Activity 16 “Roll three black dice addition”
Activity 17 Subtraction (set one die and roll two)
Activity 18 Subtraction (roll two advanced black dice and one basic red die)
Challenge 3: 30 second challenge (roll two advanced black dice and one basic red die)
Multiplication Activities
Activity 19 “Using the multiplication chart”
Activity 20 “Set One Die Multiplication”
Activity 21 “Write the equation for multiplication”
Activity 22 “Roll two dice multiplication”
Challenge 4: 30 second challenge multiply two basic green dice
Large Number Multiplication Activities
Activity 23 “Set one die and roll one die multiplication”
Activity 24 “Roll two green dice multiplication” (one advanced green and one basic green die)
Activity 25 “Roll two green dice multiplication” (two advanced green dice)
Challenge 5: 30 second challenge multiply two advanced green dice
Order of Operations Activities
Activity 26 “Order of Operations (GEMDAS or PEMDAS)”
Challenge 6: 30 second challenge “Determining order of operations using PEMDAS with 4 dice”
Activities 27-32 Three Dice Correct Order of Operations
Activities 33-36 Four Dice Correct Order of Operations
Challenge 7: 60 second challenge (roll four out of five dice and perform operations in correct order)
Perfect Square and Simple Square Root Activities
Activity 37 “Perfect Square Memorization”
Activity 38 “Square Root Memorization”
Activity 39 “Add, subtract and multiply with square roots”